Monday, July 18, 2016


I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for not being here lately. I haven't forgotten, I've simply been REALLY busy.

I love studying, I really do, however, first and foremost, I am a writer. Now having said that, I have done very little writing.  It's just been crazy, and then to make matters worse, I lost two people close to me.

I am also revamping the way I study. I find that I need structure, something to give me guidance, otherwise I am lost in the  "There is SOOOO much to learn! Where do I start?" of it all.  Well, something or someone heard me shouting that question and gave me an answer.

MIT, as in Massachusetts Institute of Technology... THAT MIT, has all of their courses online... for free. Now, that being said, you won't get a degree from them, because you are not a student (makes sense) and are not enrolled. But it is their belief, and I love them for this, that an education should not be simply for those with means. Learning should be available to anyone. And thus, I give you... Japanese 1 via MIT.

You will need Genki 1, if you don't already have it. You can purchase it through the course, and I believe they receive money for it? I hope so. If you look through the course, you will find the Syllabus, a calendar, so you can set your own 'class' and online materials. So far, I think the only thing that is missing is the listening things. But, searching online will yield a LOT of things to practice listening to. Youtube being one. I listen to a lot of Japanese music, and there was one drama that I loved, but is now no longer available in my country (thanks a lot, Youtube...). But there are many more.

So, yeah... That is where I am. I am currently setting up my study schedule and am terribly excited. I am still self studying, so, it will require discipline to see me through. I am also going to continue my kanji study apart from the class, through Anki. This is the deck I use. Though their are HUNDREDS more. And for verbs and  nouns and all sorts of things. Anki is the shit.

Anyway, when I get my course set up, I will update with the results!
Happy studying!
