Thursday, July 30, 2015


21 days is what it takes to make a habit, right? At least that's what studies say.

Well, here is to trying.

I really don't have to much to add today, except this.

I know 70 Kanji! Woot! When I say know, I mean the meaning, the kunyomi, the onyomi, stroke order, and everything else I can think of to learn about it. Granted, they are very basic, but at this rate, I MIGHT be able to take the JLPT 5 test in November, IF I can find a place around me that offers the test.

Now, I just need to learn how to use them...

I did figure this one out myself.

I know the Kanji for train. And I figured it out by myself, lol. Yes, I patted myself on the back. No, I did not break out the champagne. I am saving that for particles.

So, this was what I did.

I already knew that densha or でんしゃ meant train. (Thank you Cloud Rider, which are the lyrics through which I learned densha and ありがとうございます、Ars Magna  for dancing to it. Here is the video if anyone is interested. Good grief, the talent.)

So, in my studying, I came across 車, which means car. The kunyomi is くるま, or kuruma. But the ONYOMI, which I knew from other lessons, when you have two kanji together, you almost always use the onyomi. The ONYOMI is しゃ, or sha. Hmmm, Sha... No matter.

Then, the switch that turned on the light, and I kinda find it hysterical, light... electricity... you will see.

The next day, I came across this kanji. 電 That one I will never forget. Electricity. It doesn't hurt that it only has one reading. Onyomi. The onyomi is でん or den. Den... den... NO... It CAN'T be!

Den... sha...

Yes, it was.

Densha = 電車 = train.

Holy crap!

I know that this is a very simple and basic kanji. I know that the others will probably NOT be that easy to figure out, but it was very inspirational anyway.

What are your light bulb moments?

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