Wednesday, August 19, 2015



It's been a while, no? Sorry about that. I found a few amazing tools to help me with learning. 

One being this site. Memrise
It's amazing! 

In a few days, I learned so many new words. There are TONS of courses for Japanese, and if you are learning a different language, I am sure there are tons from that language as well. The lessons are created by users and they way it's done makes the learning seem very natural. I pushed myself, like I always do, and I went through the Introduction into Japanese course in a couple of days. 
Probably not the smartest thing I could have done, but a lot of is was Hiragana, which I already know. I do think that it helped with the speed at which I read, so....

I have only used the PC website. I know they have mobile apps, but I have never used it. I have no idea if there is a fee or not.

But I HIGHLY recommend it!

And for listening practice, I found this on Youtube. It's kind of addicting. And the hour flies by! It's easy to hear the rhythm and it so rewarding when you hear things you know, and I hear a surprising amount that I know.

And of course, everyone knows about Anki, the amazing SRS flashcard program. I don't think I would be where I am without it....

Now, on to my most favorite part. This guy! He is simply amazing. I got verb conjugation SO fast. the polite for anyway. But that is all I have really watched. And it's really the most important, in my opinion. I would rather speak politely to my friends then casual to my boss... I will learn the others next, but ます is SO easy!

Now, I need to learn more verbs, lol. 

I am considering creating a Youtube channel to document my progress, also, I need practice speaking. I would use one of those sites that let you Skype call with someone, but I am INCREDIBLY shy. Maybe one day I will have a couple of drinks and try it. Once I learn how to make longer sentences than わたしはねくすきです。<---- I like cats. 

So, anyway, what are some things that you use to help learn this?


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